Monday, 17 August 2009

Rested, relaxed and rejuvinated

Hi all,

I'm back from a small break wth my family. We've been to the Fairport Cropredy Convention, near Banbury. It was the first time we have used our tent since buying in in one of the January sales. The tent went up well, but sleeping was not so successful! I need a big feather duvet and feather pillows rather than a cheap nylon sleeping bag and an inflatable airbed with decides to deflate at 3am!

Anyway, we met some great people and had a wonderful time watching various bands and dancing along (the wine assisted with the dancing)

During my time away I was thinking about the lack of technology and comforts which then led me to think of robots! I now have about 5 different robot patterns in my mind which may make their way to my Etsy shop via the trusty sewing machine!

As always my long staning friend and confidant: Monkety Tonkety came camping with us. he stayed most of the time in the tent, dodging the cow poop of which there was plenty.

Well, we're back home, back to the luxury of cotton bedding and home made food and TV. I loved camping but love my home comforts much more.

I'll keep you posted on the robots!

Thanks for reading

The Circus Master

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Life without a PC

Well, my PC decided to desert me just as my very first Etsy sale was going through. Apparantly my PC was too dusty inside and overheated causing damage to the hard drive and sending it into a loop of never ending starting and rebooting.

The guys at were all very helpful (and recommended) but in the end I had to take it to a local shop called PC Wake Up. £70 later and we're better that we were last week!

I didn't realise just how much I would miss my PC, with the old I'll just google this, that or the other" and my music! I couldn't update my iPod which is like being without legs!

I couldn't use Facebook so had no idea that one of my friends had just cooked eggs and another was watching Eastenders - all very essential stuff I'm sure you'll agree.

I was kind of panicking as I didn't want to ruin my first sale (it had it's own issues anyway, it's all a steep learning curve for a numpty like me) It all went okay and I'm pleased to say that Dillon Spangle has a new home in the US of A. He'll love it over there, the bright lights, the big cities. He was so excited to leave.

Anyway, we're back up and running and I'm looking forward to putting some more wonderful creatures and friends on Etsy soon.

Thanks for reading

The Circus Master